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RakuNest member: Cinnamon 

Cinnamon - RakuNest | 楽天株式会社

Please tell us about Cinnamon 

1) Cinnamon Inc. is a Japan-based Enterprise AI startup (HQ: Tokyo) which provides an AI document reader to automate the data extraction from unstructured documents to the financial industry and which provides the AI platform including Speech-to-Text, Natural Language Understanding, and so on.

2) We have over 100 top-notch Machine Learning Engineers and have acquired 50+ paying customers from Japanese large corporations.

3) We have started our US expansions from 2018 and lplan to expand globally.


Please tell us about what your mission is in the Silicon Valley.
Our mission in Sillion Valley is figuring out our Go-To-Market strategy by connecting with our prospects, partners, and investors.


What type of technology are you interested in?
We look for cutting edge Artificial Intelligence technology as we are an AI startup. 


What kind of companies would you like to meet in Silicon Valley?
Anyone who can help us expand our business in the US, especially for prospects, partners, and investors.  Currently, we have many customers in the financial industry such as banking and insurance and are expanding our solutions to Accounts Payable.  We would like to meet people responsible for innovation, IT, and operations in these areas.


Yoshiaki Ieda

Cinnamon, Inc.

Co-founder & COO


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About Cinamon:

Founded: 2016

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