Below are the list of events in RakuNest and also in public.
Upcoming Events in RakuNest (RakuNest Yearly Schedule)
Japanese Language summer class by Japan Society- From Jan 14 (Weekly)
BeerNest 5:30pm-8:00pm - TBD
RakuNest Meetup 6:30pm-9:00pm - TBD
Upcoming Conferences and Events in Silicon Valley and more
Startupgrind- Feb 11-12 (Redwood City)
Mobile Growth Summit- Feb 12-13 (San Francisco)
SMX West- Feb 19-20 (San Jose)
Marketing Intelligence Summit- Feb 25 (New York)
Other lists and calendars of events
Other smaller events
There are numerous events held daily in Silicon Valley to address varying interests. Below we list some prominent events occurring in Silicon Valley. Great resources for finding additional events are: